It’s never too early to begin gathering and submitting your required retirement documents. The following table outlines the documents you will be asked to submit through the Retirement Application Portal (RAP) in order to retire:
State/Federal photo I.D. |
X |
X |
Birth Certificate
Alternate documents to establish birth date:
Naturalization Papers, Passport, Passport Card, Military Form DD214, Residency Card; OR
Need Two (2) of the following:
Social Security Statement; Baptismal Document; Affidavit from mother, father, family members, friends (notarized); Your children’s birth certificates (must list age or birthdate); School records – must list age of date of birth; Marriage license (must list age or date of birth) |
X |
X |
Marriage License /Domestic Partner Certificate |
X |
Dissolution of Marriage/Domestic Partnership (i.e. Judgment of Dissolution (Form FL-180 in California) |
X |
Medicare Care (65 and older) |
X |
X |
Documents in a foreign language must be translated. If any of your documents were issued in a foreign language, LACERS can request translation through our vendor, Languages 4 You, which has the required certification to transcribe foreign language documents.
If you are providing your documents to LACERS already translated, notarized copies are not acceptable unless completed by a certified translator. Documents must have been transcribed by a certified translator from either of the following agencies:
- US Federal Government Office
- US Federal Court Certified Interpreters
- Judicial Council
- State Certified Translators
- Certification from the originating consulate office
- American Translators Association (ATA)
- or City Clerk’s State-Certified approved interpreters/translators:
- Continental Interpreting Services, (800) 201-7121
- Languages 4 You, (818) 720-7105
Failure to provide the required documents may delay your retirement process.