Customer Feedback Survey

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1- Very Unsatisfied2-Unsatisfied3-Somewhat Unsatisfied4-Uncertain5-Somewhat Satisfied6-Satisfied7-Very Satisfied
Knowledge of guest speakers
Knowledge of LACERS staff
Quality of presentations
Overall quality of the session
1-Very Unsatisfied2-Unsatisfied3-Somewhat Unsatisfied4-Uncertain5-Somewhat Satisfied6-Satisfied7-Very Satisfied
Knowledge of the presenter
Quality of presentation
Overall quality of the session
1-Very Unmotivated2-Unmotivated3-Somewhat Unmotivated4-Uncertain5-Somewhat Motivated6-Motivated7-Very Motivated
As a result of the session, how motivated are you to plan for your retirement?
1- Not at all helpful2- Not very helpful3- Somewhat helpful4- Very helpful5- Extremely helpful
Background and Mental Preparation
Service Explained
Retirement Eligibility and Allowance
Service Credit Purchases
Income Gaps (Supplementing Your Income)
Health Benefits
Survivor Benefits
Leaving City Service
Your Counseling Session
1- Very unsatisfied2- Unsatisfied3- Somewhat unsatisfied4- Uncertain5- Somewhat satisfied6- Satisfied7- Very satisfied
The service you received from the LACERS representative
How well LACERS benefits and processes were explained
Your overall LACERS experience today
1- Very unsatisfied2- Unsatisfied3- Somewhat unsatisfied4- Uncertain5- Somewhat satisfied6- Satisfied7- Very satisfied
The service you received from the LACERS representative
How well LACERS benefits and processes were explained
Your overall LACERS experience today

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