Customer Feedback Survey Footer link July 13, 2020 1. Which service would you like to provide feedback about?: * Active Member Presentation Retired Member Presentation Customer Service Feedback Date you contacted LACERS?: * MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year20232024202520262027 2. What type of session did you attend?: * Planning for Retirement Seminar New Employee Orientation Retirement Counseling Session 2. What type of session did you attend?: * Open Enrollment Medicare Wellness Date your session occurred?: * MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year20232024202520262027 Date your session occurred?: * MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year20232024202520262027 3. Was the session you attended a webinar?: * Yes No Where was the location of the session?: * 4. Please rate your satisfaction with the following: 1- Very Unsatisfied2-Unsatisfied3-Somewhat Unsatisfied4-Uncertain5-Somewhat Satisfied6-Satisfied7-Very Satisfied Location Materials Knowledge of guest speakers Knowledge of LACERS staff Quality of presentations Overall quality of the session 4. Please rate your satisfaction with the following: 1-Very Unsatisfied2-Unsatisfied3-Somewhat Unsatisfied4-Uncertain5-Somewhat Satisfied6-Satisfied7-Very Satisfied Location Materials Knowledge of the presenter Quality of presentation Overall quality of the session 5. Please rate your motivation level for the following: 1-Very Unmotivated2-Unmotivated3-Somewhat Unmotivated4-Uncertain5-Somewhat Motivated6-Motivated7-Very Motivated As a result of the session, how motivated are you to plan for your retirement? 6. Please rate the helpfulness of the following information provided during the session: 1- Not at all helpful2- Not very helpful3- Somewhat helpful4- Very helpful5- Extremely helpful Background and Mental Preparation Service Explained Retirement Eligibility and Allowance Service Credit Purchases Reciprocity Income Gaps (Supplementing Your Income) Health Benefits Survivor Benefits Leaving City Service Your Counseling Session 5. By the end of the session, did you have a better understanding of the information that was presented?: * Yes No 5. By the end of the session, did you have a better understanding of the information that was presented?: * Yes No 7. By the end of the session, did you have a better understanding of the information that was presented?: * Yes No 6. Did the session meet your expectations?: * Yes No 6. Did the session meet your expectations?: * Yes No 8. Did the session meet your expectations?: * Yes No How could LACERS have better met your expectations?: How could LACERS have better met your expectations?: How could LACERS have better met your expectations?: 7. What part of the session did you find most helpful?: 7. What part of the session did you find most helpful?: 9. What part of the session did you find most helpful?: 10. What additional material, if any, would you like to see the session cover in the future?: 8. What additional material, if any, would you like to see the session cover in the future?: 8. What additional material, if any, would you like to see the session cover in the future?: 11. Have you previously attended a retirement session?: * Yes No 9. Have you previously attended a retirement session?: * Yes No 9. Do you plan on attending future LACERS events?: * Yes No 10. Would you recommend this session to other LACERS retired Members?: * Yes No 2. What was the nature of your inquiry? (check all that apply): * Service Retirement Service Purchase/Buyback Health Benefits Survivorship Benefits Disability Retirement Deferred-Vested Retirement 1099-R Award Letters Address Changes Other If "Other" please specify: * 3. How were you assisted?: * Front desk Email Phone Virtual appointment 4. How did you contact LACERS?: * 800 number email email email lacerswell email MyLACERS inquiry Office visit Website 5. Was your inquiry resolved upon first staff contact?: * Yes No If no, were you transferred to another staff member for assistance?: * Yes No 6. Was the representative you spoke with successful in answering your questions?: * Yes No 7. How can we improve our services?: 8. Please rate your satisfaction with the following: 1- Very unsatisfied2- Unsatisfied3- Somewhat unsatisfied4- Uncertain5- Somewhat satisfied6- Satisfied7- Very satisfied The service you received from the LACERS representative How well LACERS benefits and processes were explained Your overall LACERS experience today 8. Please rate your satisfaction with the following: 1- Very unsatisfied2- Unsatisfied3- Somewhat unsatisfied4- Uncertain5- Somewhat satisfied6- Satisfied7- Very satisfied The service you received from the LACERS representative How well LACERS benefits and processes were explained Your overall LACERS experience today 9. Would you like to recognize an employee who went above and beyond based on LACERS' Guiding Principles of Professionalism, Respect, Kindness and Caring, Innovation, and Teamwork?: * Yes No If yes, please provide the name of the staff member you would like to recognize.: 10. Have you visited LACERS' YouTube page or the LACERSWell Facebook group where you can find a variety of resources regarding your retirement benefits and more?: * Yes No 11. Have you visited LACERS' YouTube page or the LACERSWell Facebook group where you can find a variety of resources regarding your retirement benefits and more?: * Yes No 10. Have you visited LACERS' YouTube page or the LACERSWell Facebook group where you can find a variety of resources regarding your retirement benefits and more?: * Yes No 12. Have you visited LACERS' YouTube page or the LACERSWell Facebook group where you can find a variety of resources regarding your retirement benefits and more?: * Yes No 11. Additional comments?: 11. Additional comments?: 12. Additional comments?: 13. Additional comments?: 13. Age: 40-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91+ 12. Age: 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 14. Age: 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 12. Age: 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91+ 13. What electronic devices do you use at home, if any?: * Desktop Laptop Tablet Smart Phone None 13. What electronic devices do you use at home, if any?: * Desktop Laptop Tablet Smart Phone None 14. What electronic devices do you use at home, if any?: * Desktop Laptop Tablet Smart Phone None 15. What electronic devices do you use at home, if any?: * Desktop Laptop Tablet Smart Phone None 14. Do you have a MyLACERS account?: * Yes No 14. Do you have a MyLACERS account?: * Yes No 15. Do you have a MyLACERS account?: * Yes No 16. Do you have a MyLACERS account?: * Yes No 15. How do you prefer to receive information?: * Print Electronic 15. How do you prefer to receive information?: * Print Electronic 16. How do you prefer to receive information?: * Print Electronic 17. How do you prefer to receive information?: * Print Electronic 16. Name: 16. Name: 17. Name: 18. Name: 17. Email address: 17. Email address: 18. Email address: 19. Email address: 18. Zip code: 18. Zip code: 19. Zip code: 20. Zip code: