Master Trust/Custodial Services and Securities Lending RFP

Proposal Submittal Deadline: November 28, 2023 - 4:00 p.m. PT


The Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System (LACERS) is soliciting proposals to provide comprehensive domestic and international master trust/custodial services (acting in the capacity of a plan fiduciary) including, but not limited to, securities safekeeping, securities lending, settlement, valuation and lending; performance measurement; foreign exchange; collection of income; the processing of benefit payments; administration of a ‘limited term’ retirement plan; and providing a management/accounting and information retrieval system. LACERS requires separate bids for custody with securities lending and custody without securities lending (unless securities lending is not offered). 

This Request for Proposal (RFP) details the services sought and instructs interested proposers on the application and selection process. All firms meeting the minimum qualifications outlined in Section III of this RFP are invited to respond. 

The deadline for submitting proposals is 4:00 p.m. PT on November 28, 2023.

Master Trust-Custodial Services and Securities Lending RFP

Master Trust-Custodial Services and Securities Lending RFP Questionnaire

Questions & Answers - Posted October 20, 2023

Appendices and Attachments

Appendix A - General Conditions

Appendix B - Standard Provisions

Appendix C - Additional Forms

General Conditions and Compliance Forms Instructions

Supplemental Files

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