Book an Appointment
Appointments are required in order to speak with LACERS Staff. LACERS offers three options for appointments; in person, at our headquarters, virtually, via Zoom, and via telephone.
Appointments aren’t necessary if you are dropping off documents Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., and don’t need to speak to a LACERS Staff Member.
LACERS In-Person*, Virtual, and Telephone Appointment hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Visit us at*:
977 N. Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90012-1728
*Please be advised that pre-entry metal detector screening requirements are in place at LACERS’ offices. Members and visitors are requested to plan visits accordingly. A current government-issued photo identification or City employee badge is required to enter our building except when attending public meetings of the LACERS Board of Administration. Also, parking is not available at the building. Paid parking lots, public transit, and street parking are available nearby.
Click a reason below to expand for more information and to book your appointment.
I want to learn about my Retirement Benefits
Attend a Retirement Benefits Seminar
Whether you’re new to the City or not, attending a seminar is the first step in learning about your retirement benefits.
LACERS offers both in-person and virtual seminars. Register online through your MyLACERS account or by calling LACERS at (800) 779-8328, RTT (888) 349-3996. View the calendar for more information on upcoming seminars.
You can also watch a seminars on the LACERS Official YouTube Channel
- View the LACERS Tier 1 Planning for Retirement Seminar on YouTube
- View the LACERS Tier 3 Planning for Retirement Seminar on YouTube
I want to find out how much I will receive monthly if I retire
Create a Retirement Benefit Estimate
Log in to your MyLACERS account and click the “Estimate a Benefit” link to create your own retirement estimate, or contact LACERS at (800) 779-8328, RTT (888) 349-3996 to receive a retirement benefit estimate.
Tier 1 Members can also use the Simplified Retirement Benefit Estimate. Tier 1 Members are those hired on or before February 20, 2016.
I want to retire in 6 months or less
1. Determine whether you are eligible for Retirement
Find out your membership tier status and retirement eligibility by reviewing this section on Eligibility.
2. Explore Service Purchase or Reciprocity Options
Visit this page for more information on Service Purchases and Reciprocity, and to learn how they can impact your Retirement.
3. Gather your Required Documents
Gather your Required Documents, scan them, and save them to your computer for easy uploading. The list of required documents can be found here.
4. Plan your Retirement Decisions
Use the Decision Sheet to assist you in writing down your selections to the following main questions you will make during the retirement process:
- Retirement Date
- Option Selections
- Refund of Survivor Benefits (Single members only)
- Continuance Percentage
- Medical, Vision, and Dental Coverage
- Larger Annuity
- Beneficiary Designations
5. Apply for Retirement within the Filing Period
Tier 1 Active Members
Your application for retirement may be filed with LACERS no less than 30 days prior to your retirement effective date but no more than 60 days prior to your retirement effective date.
Follow the steps to prepare and Apply for Retirement Online.
Tier 1 Enhanced and Tier 3 Members
Your application for retirement may be filed with LACERS no less than 30 days prior to your retirement effective date but no more than 60 days prior to your retirement effective date.
Access the necessary form to Apply for Retirement.
Submit your application via the Secure Document Upload.
Tier 1 Deferred Vested Members
It is recommended you file your application for retirement with LACERS 30 to 60 days prior to your retirement effective date. Your retirement effective date cannot be any sooner than the date your application is received by LACERS. Retirement effective dates cannot be retroactive.
Access the necessary form to Apply for Retirement.
Submit your application via the Secure Document Upload.
Click here to book an appointment.
I have submitted my Retirement Application and need to meet with my Counselor
Congratulations on your upcoming retirement!
Your retirement counselor will be reaching out to you shortly to provide contact information. Your counselor will let you know if any additional information is needed.
Now that you have submitted your Retirement Application, the following is important information for you to review.
Your First Retirement Payment
You can view a sample of your retirement paystub to become familiar with the layout.
Retirees are paid once a month, at the end of the month. Typically retirees will receive their first payment the month following their retirement date. If additional paperwork or information is required, your retirement date will not change, but your payroll may be delayed.
All voluntary deductions will stop when you retire. If you would like to continue participation, you will need to contact each respective agency. The most common are:
- Los Angeles Federal Credit Union (213) 484-8640
- All City Employee Benefits Service Association (ACEBSA) (213) 485-2485
- City Employees Club (800) 464-0452
- Deferred Compensation (VOYA) (213) 978-1601
- Employee Benefits (213) 978-1655
Sick and Vacation Payouts
LACERS is not involved with the disbursement of these benefits. Sick, Vacation, or Holiday time payouts after retirement are paid from the Controller’s Office. Questions regarding these benefits should be directed to your department’s Personnel Section.
Service Purchases and Reciprocity
- Service Purchase contracts must be completed prior to your Retirement Effective Date.
- To retire with Reciprocity, you must retire from all Reciprocal agencies with the same Retirement Effective Date.
What about my Health coverage?
Your LACERS Health Plan coverage is separate from your Active Employee Benefits coverage, and you will need to transition to LACERS Medical, Dental, and Vision coverage during the retirement process.
Use the Health Benefits Guide as your resource to:
- Familiarize yourself with your eligibility for benefits,
- Compare medical and dental plans,
- Help you with your enrollment in LACERS-sponsored health plans, and
- Understand when and how you can change your and/or your eligible dependents’ health plan coverage
More information about LACERS Medical, Dental, and Vision plans is available here.
I’m over age 65. What about Medicare?
During your retirement process, LACERS Staff will provide you with additional documentation to take to Social Security to waive any late enrollment penalties.
For additional information on Medicare after retirement, please visit the Retirees Medicare Information page.
Book an Appointment
To ensure you receive the most relevant guidance, our retirement and health sections operate as separate units. Book an appointment with each section to ensure you cover everything you need during the retirement process.
1.Click here to book an appointment with your Retirement Counselor.
2. Click here to book an appointment with a Health Counselor.
Your Retirement Date
Once your retirement date arrives, your retirement is irrevocable. You have until midnight the day before your Retirement Effective Date to amend or withdraw your application. Amendment or withdrawal must be done in writing. Contact your assigned counselor for more information.
I need information on a Disability Retirement
If you become disabled while an active Member, you may be eligible for a Disability Retirement. Your disabling condition need not be job-related, but it must prevent you from performing your regular job duties. A Disability Retirement Allowance is generally paid as one-third of your Final Compensation.
You become eligible to apply for a Disability Retirement after you have five or more years of Continuous Service (City employment and/or full reciprocal service). You must file your Disability Retirement application with LACERS within 12 months of your last day on City payroll or within 12 months of the final settlement date for a related Workers’ Compensation claim. If you do not apply within the required time frame, you lose your eligibility to apply for this benefit.
Visit the section on Disability Retirement for more information or
Click here to book an appointment with a Disability Counselor.
I need information on Purchasing Service Credit
If you are eligible to purchase service credit, doing so may count toward your retirement eligibility and may increase your retirement allowance and health subsidy.
Watch our video on Service Purchases or click here for more information.
If you are eligible for a service purchase and wish to submit an application, please find the applicable form here. Complete and return the form via LACERS Secure Document Upload. Please allow for processing.
Book an Appointment
To book an appointment, click on one of the following services below:
I need a pension verification, award letter, or balance of contributions letter
You may request a benefit verification letter (also known as an “Award Letter”) by submitting the Verification of Pension Request form to our office by LACERS Secure Document Upload, fax, regular mail, or email.
The Award Letter will be printed on LACERS letterhead, addressed to the Member, and include the Member’s name, address, retirement date, and the gross monthly allowance amount. The processing time is up to three business days from the date LACERS receives the request
To book an appointment, click on one of the following services below:
I need a copy of my 1099-R
If you did not receive your 1099-R, you may view your 1099-R on your MyLACERS online account at your convenience. Learn how to access your 1099-R using MyLACERS by watching LACERS’ 1099-R Tax Forms video
Click here to book an appointment.
I need information on Medicare
If you are still working at age 65 and are covered by the City’s (“Active”) medical plan, you can defer enrollment in Medicare until you retire. During your retirement process, LACERS Staff will provide you with additional documentation to take to Social Security to waive any late enrollment penalties.
Medicare enrollment is required if you are:
- In the process of retiring and 65 or older, or
- retired and turning 65, or
- covering an eligible dependent who is turning 65
To qualify for a LACERS medical plan premium subsidy and be eligible for coverage in a LACERS-sponsored medical benefit plan, retired Members, eligible surviving spouses/domestic partners, and dependents must enroll in Medicare upon turning age 65 or becoming eligible due to a disability.
View the LACERS Medicare Workshop presentation on YouTube, or visit for more information on Medicare or
Click here to book an appointment.
I need information about my Medical, Dental, and Vision plans
Use the Health Benefits Guide as your resource to:
- Familiarize yourself with your eligibility for benefits,
- Compare medical and dental plans,
- Help you with your enrollment in LACERS-sponsored health plans, and
- Understand when and how you can change your and/or your eligible dependents’ health plan coverage
For information on making plan changes, visit our Open Enrollment section or see Qualifying Events on page 6 of the Health Benefits Guide,
To book an appointment, click on one of the following services below:
- Retirement Medical Enrollment
- Qualifying Event or Terminating Medical Coverage
- Claims Issues with Medical/Dental Insurance Carriers
- Medical Premium Reimbursement Program
I need to submit Legal Documents
Divorce documents, Power of Attorney documents, or other legal documents can be submitted via LACERS Secure Document Upload.
To book an appointment, click on one of the following services below:
I need to change my Tax Withholding
Retired Members can access the Tax Estimator tool in their MyLACERS Account to help determine how changes in their tax withholding will reflect on their payments. LACERS Staff cannot provide financial or tax advice. Please consult with a tax advisor for assistance.
To change your tax withholdings, please select from the tax forms below and submit via LACERS Secure Document Upload.
Federal Tax
Form W-4 Request for Income Tax Withholding
California State Tax
Form DE-4P, the State of California Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments
To book an appointment, click on one of the following services below:
I want to discuss Death/Survivor Benefits
It is important that you review and update your beneficiaries periodically to ensure that any benefits payable upon your death are paid as you desire.
Beneficiaries remain on file until you make changes. It is not necessary to know who is currently on file to update your beneficiaries. Submitting a new beneficiary form will overwrite all previous beneficiaries.
To change your beneficiary, select the applicable beneficiary form here. Complete and submit via LACERS Secure Document Upload.
How to Report a Death
To report a death, please contact LACERS at (800) 779-8328. Beneficiaries will be contacted by a counselor.
Click here to learn more about Survivor/Death benefits
To book an appointment, click on one of the following services below:
I am considering terminating employment with the City and want to know my options
View the Leaving City Service Options Overview video or visit for more information on separating from City Service.
If you are leaving City service to work for another governmental agency that has reciprocity with LACERS, please review the Reciprocity Information Sheet, watch our video on reciprocity or
Click here to book an appointment.
I am considering Transferring or Promoting to DWP and would like more information on how this would affect my retirement
Reciprocity between the City of Los Angeles and the Department of Water and Power (DWP) was an agreement that allowed Members to move from either agency within a specific time frame, allowing portability of some retirement benefits.
On December 10, 2013, the City of Los Angeles adopted an ordinance suspending reciprocity, effective January 1, 2014, between the Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System (LACERS) and the Water and Power Employees Retirement Plan (WPERP).
Your Tier status at LACERS will determine how your retirement benefits will be treated when you transfer to DWP. Contact WPERP for more information regarding DWP benefits, or contact LACERS to explore how your retirement benefits may be impacted if you transfer or promote to DWP or
Click here to book an appointment.
I have separated or terminated employment with the City and want a refund or rollover of my retirement funds on deposit with LACERS
If you are not eligible for a Service Retirement but have terminated City Service, you may still be eligible for certain benefits from LACERS. Your eligibility for these benefits will depend on the amount of Continuous Service you have when you leave City Service.
For information on leaving City Service prior to retiring, please click here.
Taking a Refund or Rolling Over Funds
You may take a refund of your contributions and interest in your account, subject to the taxation provisions, and/or roll these funds over into another qualified retirement plan. If you choose this option, you give up your right to any other benefits from the LACERS.
To start the process download a Distribution Election form, Form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, and a Tax Notification information sheet here.
Submit forms via LACERS Secure Document Upload
Click here to book an appointment.
Other Inquiries
If your inquiry is not related to the above items, click here to book an appointment.