Learn About Retiree Medical, Dental, and Vision Benefits Offered By LACERS
Thursday, 9/29/22, 10:00 A.M.
Do you know what medical, dental, and vision plans are offered for LACERS upon retirement? Do you know when and how to enroll? Are you aware of how much these options cost? These details and more will be explained to help you understand your health benefits in retirement during LACERS’ Medical, Dental, and Vision Informational Session.
You can register online through your MyLACERS account or by calling LACERS at (800) 779-8328, RTT (888) 349-3996. Once you have successfully registered, expect Zoom access information to be provided at least 1 day prior to your event.
ADA Notice: Sign Language Interpreters, Communications Access Real-Time Transcription, Assisted Listening Devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability, you are advised to make your request at least 72 hours prior to the meeting you wish to attend. Due to difficulties in securing Sign Language Interpreters, five or more business days notice is strongly recommended. For additional information, please contact (800) 779-8328 or RTT (888) 349-3996.