Kaiser Retiree & Active Well-being Webinars

Join us for a well-being webinar series hosted by Kaiser

Retiree Event / LACERS Well
Kaiser Permanente Logo - Blue writing - 3 figure people standing in background

Give yourself a healthy boost and register for the well-being series on healthy eating and other important topics hosted by Kaiser Permanent

e. You are not required to be a Kaiser member and there is no cost to attend. All LACERS members (Active and Retired) are welcome to participate. Just click on the below link to register for each webinar. You will be re-directed to Kaiser Permanente’s webpage to register and obtain the webinar link through a calendar invite. Registered attendees will also receive email reminders with the webinar link to join the webinar.

June 11th, 2024 – 10am

The Keys to Preventing Diabetes – One out of three people have prediabetes and some may not know it. The good news is the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes can be managed by taking a few small steps. In this webinar, you will learn about the five keys to preventing diabetes: eating healthy, getting active, quitting tobacco, managing stress, and sleeping well.  You will be invited to create a realistic action plan that will help you take positive steps towards taking control of your health. 

To Register for The Keys to Preventing Diabetes, click here.

Keys to Preventing Diabetes 2024 Flyer


If you need technical assistance with your device or assistance with registration and accessing the link to join the webinars on Kaiser Permanente’s webpage, we encourage you to contact Mom’s Computer at (800) 281-0692 or help@momscomputer.com prior to the event date.  This is a no-cost service offered to LACERS Members.

We look forward to your participation.

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