LACERS Retired Members July Update
Practice Sun Safety this Summer
Summer is here, and that means sunny days are ahead! While having fun in the sun, it’s important to remember to monitor your skin’s exposure to the sun. Repeated overexposure can be a contributing factor toward skin cancer, the most common type of cancer in the United States. Here are some key tips to remember so you can enjoy the weather safely:
- Seek shade
- Wear protective clothing
- Apply sunscreen to all skin not covered by clothing
For more information about ways to stay safe in the sun this
summer, click here.
Please contact your medical provider directly (Kaiser, Anthem
Blue Cross, United Healthcare or SCAN Health Plan) for additional
resources regarding the wellness topic or activity mentioned in
this article.
Visit LACERS’ YouTube Channel!
Have you visited LACERS’ YouTube channel? The channel offers a variety of resources at your fingertips to enhance your retirement! You can access videos including a Medicare Workshop, Financial Resilience Workshops, and even motivational speaker presentations from past LACERS events. Make sure to visit and subscribe for the latest updates!
Do you Have a Beneficiary Form on File?
Having a Designation of Beneficiary Form on file with LACERS is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. It provides a clear roadmap of your intentions, and can eliminate unnecessary stress and worry for those left behind. Once you designate a beneficiary, it is important to review and update your beneficiary information periodically as your family situation may change over time.
If you are not sure if you have a Designation of Beneficiary form on file at LACERS, check your MyLACERS account via our website or call our main office line and staff will assist you. The LACERS Designation of Beneficiary forms can be found here.