LACERS Active Members January Update
LACERS’ General Manager New Years Message
On behalf of LACERS, happy new year! Hopefully you have had a prosperous start to 2021. Take a moment to read a new year’s message from LACERS’ General Manager, Neil Guglielmo, available here.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
Do you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine? LACERS has put together information and resources regarding the vaccine, available here.
Don’t Lose Your MyLACERS!
After retirement, you won’t have access to your email address- or other City-assigned email addresses. This is just one reason LACERS recommends that Members use a personal email account for their MyLACERS accounts. Using a personal email account will ensure that if you ever forget your login credentials, an automated or staff-generated email to help you access your account can still reach you.
Already using your work address for your MyLACERS Account? You can change it quickly and easily – no forms required! Simply login to your MyLACERS portal and visit the Profile link. On the profile page, you can change your email address, username, password, and security questions.
Visit the LACERS YouTube Channel!
Make it a new year’s resolution to take advantage of everything the official LACERS YouTube channel has to offer! Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so that you can stay up-to-date with the new content that will be coming this year.