LACERS Active Members Check-Up 2023

Image of Blue Checkmark

Now’s the perfect time to do a mid-year check-up on your LACERS benefits. Here are some things to check off your list:

MyLACERS Account

Have you created your profile on the LACERS Member Portal? MyLACERS is your online gateway to real-time details about your retirement account. You can generate a member statement, register for upcoming webinars and events, or create a benefit estimate for a future retirement date. Request a PIN letter today! Don’t know how…watch this two-minute video.


Make it a habit to review your designated beneficiaries on file with LACERS annually so that your benefits are paid out as intended if you pass away before retirement.

You can view your current designations via your MyLACERS account. To update them, submit a new Designation of Beneficiary Form. Designated beneficiaries remain in effect until you change them.

Attend a Planning for Retirement Seminar

New to the City, mid-career, or close to retirement? Attend a seminar to understand all the components of your retirement benefits and eligibility. Seminars are held several days a month, including Saturdays. View the schedule on our calendar and register on MyLACERS.

Service Credit Purchases

Did you work part-time for the City of Los Angeles or full-time for another government agency? If so, you may be eligible to purchase Service Credit, which may count toward your retirement eligibility and increase your retirement allowance and health subsidy.

For additional information on making a service purchase for a re-deposit, back contributions, public service buyback, or a government service buyback, please view the Service Purchase video or speak to a Buyback Representative at LACERS.

Supplementing Your Retirement

Your LACERS retirement allowance should be considered the foundation of your retirement financial planning. However, your LACERS benefit alone may or may not cover your expenses in retirement.

To supplement your LACERS retirement allowance, you may want to consider the LACERS Larger Annuity Program and the Personnel Department’s Deferred Compensation Program. These are voluntary programs that could help bridge an income gap in retirement.

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