Applying for Retirement Online

Submit Your Application 60 days Before Your Retirement Date


Members are encouraged to submit their retirement application 60 days before their retirement date when using LACERS’ new Retirement Application Portal (RAP). The RAP is a great asset to LACERS Members that helps to streamline the retirement process. While the filing period is within 30 to 60 days of your retirement date, starting your application early and submitting it on the first day you can at the 60-day-prior mark, will allow for a couple benefits. These include having ample time to discover any complications and address them without having to move your retirement date, as well as ensuring LACERS staff has time to meet your retirement date request.

For example, if your desired retirement date is December 30, 2021, you would aim to submit your retirement application in the portal on October 31, 2021. 

For more information about the Retirement Application Portal process, please click here

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